Garden for Health International's Virtual Garden Campaign
Virtual Garden Project: Help Gardens for Health fight childhood malnutrition in Rwanda
In Rwanda, an astounding 44% of children are malnourished. Gardens for Health is determined to change that. By equipping mothers with the tools and know-how to grow their own vegetable garden, GHI aims to empower women to feed their own families with dignity. But we need your help. Start a fundraiser to grow your own Virtual Garden with the goal of raising $250. With just $250 dollars, your Virtual Garden will allow a mother in Rwanda to plant the seeds of her real home garden as well as give her the knowledge to care for it until the vegetables are ready for her children to eat. Let’s start growing together to stop chronic childhood malnutrition!

Give a home garden to a family in Gasobo District, Rwanda
In Rwanda’s Gasabo District, one in three agricultural households is food insecure, meaning that they do not have access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food for an active and healthy life.
Gardens for Health International, a SeeYourImpact Partner, targets families who are struggling with malnutrition and equips them with the resources and knowledge they need for greater self-sufficiency. Malnutrition need not be a chronic condition, even for those facing poverty and disease.
A gift of $250 provides a family of five with a nutritionally rich home garden, regular visits from a skilled agronomist, and three months of educational workshops, including weekly cooking demonstrations.
Read stories of real lives changed
Gardens for Health believes malnutrition need not be a chronic condition
Gardens for Health provides lasting agricultural solutions to the problem of chronic childhood malnutrition. We partner with rural health clinics to equip families facing malnutrition with seeds, livestock, and know-how for greater self-sufficiency.