This impact story was published by Gardens for Health. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Growing a family’s good health

Dear Ioana & Radu,

Thanks to Ioana and Radu, Cecile and her son who was recently diagnosed with malnutrition, are eating better and getting healthier. Cecile and her family received seeds and seedlings to grow for three seasons this year, regular visits for advice from a Gardens for Health agronomist, and participated in weekly trainings and cooking demonstrations at their health center.

The trainings, which were led by other mothers in the community, covered all the topics related to the causes of malnutrition, from domestic violence, to family planning, to HIV, to preparing balanced meals, to saving money. Cecile says, “after being enrolled and following this training, I feel that I am not the same person as I was or used to be before three months ago. This program showed us that we are able to make changes in our life and change our community starting in our family. I feel that I have become united with other mamas in the community.”

Thank Ioana and Radu for investing in the health of this family!

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