This impact story was published by Gardens for Health. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Growing health for Marceline and her boys

Dear Christianne, Marcela, Tracy, and Sterling and Melinda,

Marceline, a young single mother, joined the Gardens for Health program this season, after one of her boys, three years, was diagnosed with severe acute malnutrition. Marceline was immediately enrolled in weekly education sessions, cooking demonstrations, and provided with seeds and chickens for her home garden. After four months, her three year old gained six pounds and lost the signs of acute malnutrition — most visibly, the swollen belly. She is now growing carrots, green beans, pepper, onions, soy beans, orange sweet potatoes amaranth and daily harvesting eggs from her chickens.

She also started saving for the first time, which she learned from the training, and is eager to save more so that all her boys can go to school. She recently graduated from our training sessions, but doesn’t want to leave so much does she love classes at the health clinic with other mothers in the community.

Here Marceline is pictured in the beans she planted, along with her own “little beans.”

Thank you Christianne, Marcela, Tracy, and Sterling and Melinda for your lifesaving investment in this family.

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