Anita receives more than just a home garden

Dear Stephanie, Sam, Chris, Karin, Mary, Marilyn, Radu, Myla, GHI, and Jamie,

Anita joined Gardens for Health International (GHI) because her two children were malnourished. At only 19 years old herself, Anita felt like she barely knew how to care for herself, let alone two children. This sent her into depression.

Thankfully, GHI programming has helped her learn ways to address her sadness. Her favorite training so far has been mental health as it has not only helped her learn the signs and symptoms of depression but has also taught her ways to overcome her feelings of sadness. Anita says singing and dancing in church is her favorite cure so far.

Located in the Gasabo District of Rwanda, GHI offers gardening kits and nutrition education to families in need so they can work towards better food security and overall health.

Thank you, Stephanie, Sam, Chris, Karin, Mary, Marilyn, Radu, Myla, and Jamie for helping someone like Anita participate in GHI programs. Through your generosity, she learned the signs of her depression and the ways she can begin to feel better.

Give this gift » Provide a family of five with a home garden, regular follow-up visits, and a three month education program that includes weekly cooking demonstrations.

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Virginie empowered by her new garden

Dear Ryan, Mark, Mike, Kelsey, Kim, Jerri, Masako, Patricia, and Claudia,

Virginie joined Gardens for Health International (GHI) because her three year-old daughter, Carine, was malnourished. Virginie says that completing GHI’s health and nutrition program has taught her to better care for not only her daughter but her whole family. From learning how important it is to wash her hands before she begins cooking to preparing a balanced meal with four colors, she now feels better equipped and more confident as a mother to raise her children in a safe and healthy environment.

Located in the Gasabo District of Rwanda, GHI offers gardening kits and nutrition education to families in need so they can work towards better food security and overall health.

Thank you Ryan, Mark, Mike, Kelsey, Kim, Jerri, Masako, Claudia, and Patricia for donating to help empower Virginie as a mother and caregiver.

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Dolothea’s child is healthy again

Dear Bill and Colleen, Karen, Theresa, Yoshi & Phyllis, Greg, James, and Kevin,

Dolothea joined Gardens for Health International (GHI) because her grandson, Emmanuel, was malnourished. After completing GHI’s training program, Dolothea better understands how to cook a well-balanced meal that will enable the three children she cares for to attain all the nutrients their growing bodies need. Emmanuel has since gained four kilograms since Dolothea joined GHI and he is no longer considered malnourished.

Located in the Gasabo District of Rwanda, GHI offers gardening kits and nutrition education to families in need so they can work towards better food security and overall health.

Thank you Bill, Colleen, Karen, Theresa, Yoshi, Phyllis, Greg, James and Kevin for donating to help Dolothea learn how to stop malnutrition in her own backyard.

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Alphoncine provides her family with well-balanced meals

Dear Jeffrey, No, Sharon, Pradeep, and Masako,

Alphoncine joined Gardens for Health International (GHI) because her 18 month old son, Jean Nepo, was malnourished. Before joining GHI, Alphoncine had trouble feeding her family nutritious, well-balanced meals. Now that she has completed the 14 week training program and receives seeds to grow fruits and vegetables in her own backyard, her son has gained almost three kilograms!

Located in the Gasabo District of Rwanda, GHI offers gardening kits and nutrition education to families in need so they can work towards better food security and overall health.

Thank you No, Sharon, Jeffrey, Pradeep, and Masako for helping Alphoncine feed her family nutritiously.

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Violetta helps her family stay healthy

Dear Tc, Alexis, Ashley, Lindsey, Carissa, G, Matthew, and Iole,

Violetta joined Gardens for Health International (GHI) because her one year old daughter, Naomi, was malnourished. Throughout the program, Violetta learned how to prepare a balanced meal and grow her own fruits and vegetables, which allowed her to provide her children with more nutritious meals. Since beginning the program, Naomi has gained over three kilograms!

Located in the Gasabo District of Rwanda, GHI offers gardening kits and nutrition education to families in need so they can work towards better food security and overall health.

Thank you Iole, Tc, Alexis, Ashley, Lindsey, Carissa, G B, and Matthew for helping Violetta and her family stay healthy and avoid the perils of malnourishment.

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Beatrice now knows how to prepare a balanced meal

Dear Maja, Nabeelah, and Microsoft,

Beatrice joined Gardens for Health International (GHI) because her three year old daughter, Bonnet, was malnourished. Throughout the program, Beatrice learned many things she did not know before, including how to prepare a balanced meal for her three children. She admits that she did not know what a balanced meal looked like but now makes sure that each plate is filled with four colors to maximize nutritional value for her children.

Located in the Gasabo District of Rwanda, GHI offers gardening kits and nutrition education to families in need so they can work towards better food security and overall health.

Thank you Maja, Nabeelah, and Microsoft for helping Beatrice and her family stay healthy and avoid the perils of malnourishment.

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Danciana’s skepticism is gone

Dear Shania,

Danciana was skeptical that the Gardens for Health International (GHI) program would work for her and her malnourished daughter, Kilamontine. After 14 weeks of training, Danciana now realizes how important GHI’s program really was to the well-being of her family. She learned a lot about nutrition and found the training on how to plant bananas especially useful. She now grows onions, spinach, peanuts, and orange sweet potatoes, and her daughter has gained a kilogram as a result of all this healthy food!

Located in the Gasabo District of Rwanda, GHI offers gardening kits and nutrition education to families in need so they can work towards better food security and overall health.

Thank you, Shania, for helping Danciana and her family.

Give this gift » Provide a family of five with a home garden, regular follow-up visits, and a three month education program that includes weekly cooking demonstrations.

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Cecile provides balanced meals

Dear Microsoft,

After completing Gardens for Health International’s (GHI) training program, Cecile says she can really see a difference in her child’s health. Sophia, her 1 year old daughter, weighed 6.5 kilograms before the program and now weighs 7.5 kilograms. Cecile attributes the weight gain to practicing what she was taught during GHI’s 14 week training program, such as how to cook a balanced meal and how to plant her own vegetables properly.

Located in the Gasabo District of Rwanda, GHI offers gardening kits and nutrition education to families in need so they can work towards better food security and overall health.

Thank you Microsoft for helping Cecile and her family.

Give this gift » Provide a family of five with a home garden, regular follow-up visits, and a three month education program that includes weekly cooking demonstrations.

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Vestine’s culinary knowledge prevents malnutrition in her children

Vestine joined Gardens for Health International (GHI)’s health and nutrition program when she realized her two year old son, Emmanuel, was malnourished. After the 14 week training program, Emmanuel gained 2 kilograms and now weighs a health 9 kilograms. Vestine says that learning how to cook a balanced meal (with four colors of food) taught her that variety was both good for her son and a way to get him to eat everything off his plate!

Located in the Gasabo District of Rwanda, GHI offers gardening kits and nutrition education to families in need so they can work towards better food security and overall health.

Thank you Microsoft for helping Vestine and her family.

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Francine’s baby boy will be healthy thanks to GHI education

Dear Gayle, Dale, Lisa, and Lesley,

Before joining Gardens for Health International (GHI), Vestine’s 2 year old son, Emmanuel, only weighed 7 kilograms. Four months into the program, Manu has gained two extra kilograms. Vestine attributes his weight gain to her learning how to prepare a well-balanced meal with the vegetables she is growing in her own garden, which include carrots, beets, and orange sweet potatoes. These lessons are a staple of GHI’s training.

Located in the Gasabo District of Rwanda, GHI offers gardening kits and nutrition education to families in need so they can work towards better food security and overall health.

Thank you Lisa, Gayle, Dale, and Lesley for helping Francine and her family.

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